
Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don)

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Vol 9, No 4 (2009)


589-598 253
A two-dimensional singular integral equation in a rather arbitrary symmetrical area is considered, to which some problems of mechanics with mixed boundary conditions are reduced. Particularly, these include, the problem of the plate's plane struck on the flat surface of an incompressible fluid, as well as the problem of a plane crack of normal rupture in an unbounded elastic medium. Special presentation of the kernel of integral equation is able to significantly weaken its singularity, which in turn helped to realize a sustainable computing process by collocation method.
599-612 259
In the article is looked the questions of the approximation of characteristics of nonlinear element in parametrical devices of different kinds, working superior zones of instability of oscillations. In this work there were calculated coefficients of different approximating function (of hyperbolic sinus and other functions). The results that were received with aid of different approximating functions were compared with real experimental curve.
613-621 233
In the paper method for solving the direct problem for a differential equation of second order with variable coefficients is presented. This equation arises in the analysis of longitudinal oscillations of rods of variable rigidity on the basis of difference schemes. The way of determination of the law of change of Young's modulus is also suggested


622-626 256
In article the combined method of vibrating isolation and vibrating clearing on an example of the stand of vibrratsionno-shock hardening of longerons of helicopters is considered. The developed dynamic model allows to minimise factor of transfer of forces on the equipment base that leads to reduction of levels of vibration. Rational selection of parametres of model: such as the weight, resulted rigidity, frequency of vibration allows to provide performance of a sanitary code of vibration at designing of the similar equipment.
627-636 284
The article deals with the generation of surface layer by dimensional electrochemical and combined machining. It shows that it is possible to achieve the required performance criteria of surfaces with predetermined properties with the help of the optimum combination of processing characteristics of different processes during combined machining.
637-642 224
The new decision of a task of synthesis of set of frequencies for the purposes of synchronization of processes in automation is offered. The difference from now in use «grid» of set of frequencies with a constant step is, that the formation of set of grids or set of irregular meanings of frequencies is provided. It is achieved by the shown opportunity of representation of the initial data by fractional numbers with the variable basis of a fractional part. Opportunities of means of synchronization on accuracy and nomenclature of frequencies thus extend.
643-647 406
Data on a domestic program complex «МВТУ» are short stated. The example of modeling of the technical system, illustrating high efficiency of a program complex is resulted.
648-652 243
The variants of answers are registered by cross (mark) in many test forms. The mark must be put on definite field of the test form. It is necessary tj employ the system of pattern recognition for corrective encoding this field. This system of pattern recognition must be stable against various distortions and interferences in the field of mark. This systems must employ the combination of neural network and one of the methods of the pattern recognition theory.
653-658 259
In the article the application of tooth chains, their structure and deterioration is described, the maximum permissible increase in a step of a chain on gearing with evolvment asterisk is found. The dependence of tooth chain deterioration graph for rectilinear and evolvment chain-wheel profile is constructed
659-665 246
The paper shows the results of research on relations between elements of production system of machine-building plants with individual and small-scale production from the position of process management. It specifies the main principles used when creating integrated systems of process planning and management.
666-675 271
Based on the use of the terms of set theory and mathematical logic and operations on them before the general approach to signal information about the equipment on the production and sharing of both types of information
676-680 223
The new design of a plane bearing with combined metal-polymeric surface differs from analogous models by ability to keep lubricant in the working zone, that considerably reduces a friction coefficient and life time of the bearing.
681-690 216
Visually-declarative language, N-Visual Language (NVL), intended for projection of the software of information systems: database structure and a code realising business logic, is in-process introduced
691-697 256
One of the combine harvester's working organs technological adjustment task solving on the base of fuzzy logic is considered.
698-711 218

Analytical dependence for the estimation of coordinates of a concave cog side having an elliptic profile, which take into account the limitation of it's height by the value of internal circle radius of the wheel, is presented. An algorithm for the calculation of profile coordinates of elliptic cog is presented.

712-717 227
The model of three-level system of architecture of warehouse equipment in structure of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of statistics of failures of grain combines is offered.
718-723 290
The design procedure of control bands of parameters of customizations of the serial combine harvesters, based on statistical results of their trials is offered
724-727 215
An analysis of mathematical model of the Process of granulation of the raw materials. Justified mode granulator


718-735 376
The article proves the actuality of the problem of virtual reality and shows one of the most spread phenomenon of net communication - communication in chat. Basing on cited material the article analyses the specific features of net communication in comparing with real social communication. New frequent forms of net communication are represented as elements of a new subculture -cyberculture.
736-745 357
In article the author tries to trace first of all the connection of XIX - XX centuries Russian religious philosophy and hesyhasm as an orthodox mystic and ascetic tradition (experience of deep prayer) based on materials of the research of history of philosophy and Religion Studies by professor S.S. Khoruzhy and works of outstanding Russian thinkers as I.V. Kireevsky, K.N. Leontyev, P.A. Florensky, A.F. Losyev, I.A. Ilyin. Secondly, this research reveals the hesyhasm influence on the protective and creative aspects of studies thinkers ideas based on the concept of the monk Vsevolod (Phylippiev), modern Church historian.
746-757 233
For the last twenty years is made the conversion of the Russian's consciousness. Through the aid of the west and Russian mass media went dethronement of our people ideals and imposition of the alien myths. Particularly active this was done during Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost. As a result of myth's creation was formed an ideal of successfully west society and the uselessness all the Soviet. The total is the collapse of the USSR, wild capitalism and chaose in the economy. As it has been done in proposed article.
758-762 208
The article represents the attempt of social-philosophical analysis of public relations concepts of the contemporary researchers. The research results in the author's conclusions about the functional characteristics of public relations as social communication. The author considers social integration to be one of the most important functions of public relations.
763-766 297
In this article the author dwells the historical consciousness, its elements and sources of formation as well as the factors which influence the process of intercultural communications.
767-775 236
In article is considered a problem of crisis of religious belief in the West European culture, the factors which have caused it - scientific revolution and philosophical concepts of New time, and also its display in art sphere.


776-781 232
Top-priority national blueprint "Accessible & Comfortable Houseroom for Russian Citizens" is based on a federal purposive program "Home" & channeled into the solution of social problems which need concentration of material & administrative resources of the Federal Center & regional authorities. The article is about a problem of houseroom availability for some communities and a role of the government in its solution

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ISSN 2687-1653 (Online)