
Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don)

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Macrostructure of the surface combined metal-polymeric plane bearings


The new design of a plane bearing with combined metal-polymeric surface differs from analogous models by ability to keep lubricant in the working zone, that considerably reduces a friction coefficient and life time of the bearing.

About the Author

I.V. Ovechkin
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation


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3. Адлер Ю.П. Планирование эксперимента при поиске оптимальных условий/Ю.П.Адлер, Е.В.Маркова, Ю.В.Грановский. -М.: Наука, 1975. -279 с.


For citations:

Ovechkin I. Macrostructure of the surface combined metal-polymeric plane bearings. Vestnik of Don State Technical University. 2009;9(4):676-680. (In Russ.)

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