
Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don)

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Role of historic consciousness in interculture communication


In this article the author dwells the historical consciousness, its elements and sources of formation as well as the factors which influence the process of intercultural communications.

About the Author

I.L. Merzlyakova
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation


1. Нора П. Между памятью и историей: Проблематика мест памяти//Франция-память/П. Нора, М. Озуф, Ж. де Пюимеж, М. Винок. -СПб., 1999.

2. Савельева И.М. Социальные представления о прошлом: источники и репрезентации/И.М. Савельева, А.В. Полетаев. -М., 2005.


For citations:

Merzlyakova I. Role of historic consciousness in interculture communication. Vestnik of Don State Technical University. 2009;9(4):763-766. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2687-1653 (Online)