
Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don)

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Formation of signal informa tion of equipment and products


Based on the use of the terms of set theory and mathematical logic and operations on them before the general approach to signal information about the equipment on the production and sharing of both types of information

About the Authors

V.H. Al-Tibbi
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation

K.V. Vishnevskiy
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation

L.A. Zhuravlev
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation


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2. Корн Г. Справочник по математике. Для научных работников и аспирантов/Г. Корн, Т. Корн/Под ред. И.Г. Абрамовича. 5-е. изд. -М.: Наука, 1984. -831 с.

3. Рубанов В.В. Синтез структурных формул и схем устройств регистрации рабочего хода оборудования при ресурсных испытаниях/В.В. Рубанов, Л.А.Журавлев, Ю.Н. Пономарев//Вестник ДГТУ. -2004. -Т4. -№1 (19).-С. 84-91.


For citations:

Al-Tibbi V., Vishnevskiy K., Zhuravlev L. Formation of signal informa tion of equipment and products. Vestnik of Don State Technical University. 2009;9(4):666-675. (In Russ.)

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