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An effective method of solving of sin gular integral equations in mechanical problems with mixed boundary conditions


A two-dimensional singular integral equation in a rather arbitrary symmetrical area is considered, to which some problems of mechanics with mixed boundary conditions are reduced. Particularly, these include, the problem of the plate's plane struck on the flat surface of an incompressible fluid, as well as the problem of a plane crack of normal rupture in an unbounded elastic medium. Special presentation of the kernel of integral equation is able to significantly weaken its singularity, which in turn helped to realize a sustainable computing process by collocation method.

About the Authors

B.I. Smetanin
Southern Federal University.
Russian Federation

B.V. Sobol'
Don State Technical University.
Russian Federation

S.S. Volkov
Southern Federal University.
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Smetanin B., Sobol' B., Volkov S. An effective method of solving of sin gular integral equations in mechanical problems with mixed boundary conditions. Vestnik of Don State Technical University. 2009;9(4):589-598. (In Russ.)

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